27 September 2012

Sunday 30th September - 8.30am

Service this Sunday will begin at 8.30am.

Here are the readings (and my apologies for a very short post!) 

Numbers 11:4-6,10-16,24-29 Moses chooses 70 leaders
James 5:13-20 Prayer offered in faith
Mark 9:38-50 Acting in Jesus' name; temptations to sin

If you're available on Friday you have two options for worship. The first is in Moama as Pastor Graham leads the nursing home service at Southern Cross. Please call him if you are after details.

The second opportunity is at 11am in Shepparton when I will be leading the annual National Police Remembrance Day service in my role as Police Chaplain. The service will be held at St Bredan's in Knight Street and will be followed by morning tea. All are welcome to come and support our local police members on this important day.

God's peace,
Pastor Matt

22 September 2012

Sunday 23rd September - 8.30am

This Sunday worship will begin at 8.30am.

The gospel reading from Mark 9 records Jesus' second passion prediction in Mark's gospel and as usual, it is accompanied by teaching on discipleship. It's that uncomfortable passage that declares "Anyone who wants to be first must be the very last, and the servant of all."

To emphasise his point, Jesus takes a little child and embraces him and declares the mystery that whoever welcomes a little one such as this, welcomes the Father and the Son.

How much trouble would we be in if our salvation depended on our ability to perfectly welcome and love and serve? Thanks be to God that our Lord Jesus - the first born Son of God - humbled Himself and became the very last to serve us and embrace us with his forgiving love poured out on the cross!

God's peace,
Pastor Matt

1 September 2012

Sunday 2nd September - 11am

Service this week begins at 11am

I'm preaching on James 1:17-27 where we are called to be doers of the word - not falling into the trap of listening but not hearing. I like the way James uses the image of looking into a mirror and almost immediately forgetting what we look like to describe what it's like to listen to God's word, but not really hear it.

How often don't we Christians do that? Having glimpsed not only our sinful self in the mirror of God's word, we catch sight of our reflection in the Living Word as the forgiven, much loved and holy children of God and then we immediately forget and live as though we were no different than the godless souls who have no hope. In the vein of that old adage - actions speak louder than words - we are encouraged to shut up and simply be the people of God!

Have a read of the passage before coming along this week - there's so much packed into these few verses and I'm only going to be able to touch on a little of it - so being well prepared will help you to get so much more out of it.

By the way, Happy Father's Day to all the Dads out there! May you be blessed in this holy calling by God our Father, through the Lord Jesus Christ.

I'm looking forward to being together in the Lord's presence.
Pastor Matt