30 July 2009

For Sunday 2nd August - 11.00am

This Sunday Divine Service will begin at 11.00am.

Jonathan Krause from Australian Lutheran World Service will be our guest this week and will speak after the service about the work our church does through this agency. There will be an opportunity to support ALWS through a retiring offering.

We'll have a chance to speak more with Jonathan over lunch together.

God's peace,
Pastor Matt

15 July 2009

For Sunday 19th July - 11am

This Sunday (19/7) Divine Service will begin at 11.00am.

The Gospel reading will lead us to reflect on our desire to get away from all the stresses and demands of everyday life - especially those demands that come from those 'need' us. Jesus and His disciples experienced this desire as well - the need to take time out. Like us however, no sooner did Jesus decide to take time out than He was confronted once again by the needs of the people. As He looked at them, we're told He had compassion on them because they were like sheep without a shepherd and so He began to teach them.

On Sunday we'll be thinking about what it means that Jesus' compassionate response to the needs of these people was to teach them and what this means for us as we seek His compassion as well.

God's peace,
Pastor Matt

2 July 2009

For Sunday 5th July - 11.00am

This Sunday (5th July), Divine Service will begin at 11.00am.

In the sermon we'll be thinking about the Lord's promise that "My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness" (2 Cor 12:9) and how this brings us great encouragement in the face of our personal limitations.

Service will be followed by our monthly lunch together.

God's peace,
Pastor Matt