27 May 2008

For Sunday 1st June - 11.00am

All of us from time to time have grand plans for how we might build our lives. Whether it's in regard to a career, our family or our attitudes and actions for the sake of others - we often long to build our lives on a foundation of integrity, honour, success and compassion - among other things.

But how often don't our attempts to build our lives in these ways come crashing down in a pile of rubble?

In the gospel this week (Matt 7:21-29) Jesus calls us to build our lives on His word by hearing it and acting on it. At first glance it might seem as though Jesus is telling us to do what we have tried and failed to do ourselves - to build our lives on a standard we long for, but can never achieve. But as we hear Jesus' call this week we do well to remember that His is a word of forgiveness and life. So acting on this word is firstly about receiving forgiveness through the Word of God made flesh, and then with His help, seeking to live as His new born people.

Divine Service will begin at 11.00am and will be followed by our monthly congregational lunch.

God's peace,
Pastor Matt

21 May 2008

For Sunday 25th May - 8.30am

A number of years ago a singer by the name of Bobby McFerrin sang the song, 'Don't worry, be happy.' This catchy tune suggested that stress and worry, even when it was well founded, could be driven away if you just made a decision to be happy. If only it was that easy!

In Matthew 6:24-34 Jesus also calls us not to worry about our life, what we will eat or drink or what we will wear. Instead of insisting that we merely 'turn that frown upside down,' Jesus encourages us to get our priorities right and to recognise God's wonderful provision.

But more than that Jesus identifies that our obsessive worrying about things of this world reveals that we are seeking the wrong things. The answer to our worries is not to force happiness, but to seek first His kingdom and righteousness, and then everything else falls into place.

Divine Service begins at 8.30am.

God's peace,
Pastor Matt

14 May 2008

For Sunday the 18th May - 11.00am

This Sunday we celebrate Trinity Sunday where we focus on what it means that God comes to us as three persons in one God - Father, Son and Holy Spirit. This mystery that seems to contradict our reason, is very much a part of our existence as God's people. After all our life of faith begins with our baptism in the name of the Holy Trinity. And so we will especially be thinking about the significance of having the name of Father, Son and Holy Spirit applied to us in baptism as we meditate on Matthew 28:16-20.

Service will begin at 11.00am.

God's peace,
Pastor Matt

7 May 2008

For Sunday 11th May 8.30am

As the photos show, our Kids' Club in Shepparton has been thinking Pentecost and our celebration this Sunday of the gift of the Holy Spirit.

As we think about the gift of the Holy Spirit we will be hearing about the specific work He was sent to do. All three of our readings this week focus on the way in which the Spirit enables God's people to speak the Word of God which points us to Christ and the salvation offered in His name. This is beautifully proclaimed in the Gospel reading where Jesus' gift of the Holy Spirit to the apostles is linked to their calling to forgive sins in His name.

Service will begin at 8.30am

God's peace,

Pastor Matt