30 January 2008

This Sunday we commemorate the Transfiguration of our Lord - that wonderful account of Jesus' meeting with Moses and Elijah on the mountaintop, in the presence of Peter and James and John.

As we hear this reading we may well ponder the temptation Jesus must have faced to step straight off that mountain and into heaven. But He didn't. Instead He chose to come back down the mountain and to journey on the Jerusalem and the cross.

Jesus' willingness to come down from the mountain to serve you and me provides great encouragement for us in our daily walk. Not simply because it shows that He walks with us, but most especially because it reveals the extent of His saving love for us.

Service will begin at 11.00am

The Lord Jesus be with you,
Pastor Matt

24 January 2008

For Sunday 27th January - 8.30am

This week we will be celebrating our Harvest Thanksgiving festival.

While we're still in the midst of hard times as a result of prolonged drought, we do well to acknowledge the enduring goodness of the Lord and rejoice in His provision of our daily needs especially at times such as these. But above all we give thanks and rejoice for the way our Heavenly Father has provided for our salvation in the sending of His Son, Jesus.

And so as we give thanks for the harvest again this Sunday, we look forward to that eternal harvest of all who are declared righteous through faith in Christ Jesus.

Divine service will begin at 8.30am.

The Lord be with you,

Pastor Matt

15 January 2008

For Sunday the 20th January - 11.00am

This Sunday (20th January) St John the Baptist proclaims to us once more that Jesus is indeed the Lamb of God, who takes away the sin of the world.

In an age where personal responsibility is on the decline, we are all well equipped to pass the buck when things go wrong. But despite our best attempts to blame others, our hearts are often weighed down by the truth that the buck stops with us.

How liberating then to know there is One who has taken on our sin and its damning effects so that we are freed to live without condemnation and without the need to justify ourselves by blaming others.

Come and behold the Lamb of God, who takes away the sin of the world.

Divine Service will begin at 11.00am.

The peace of the Lord be with you,
Pastor Matt

10 January 2008

For Sunday the 13th January - 8.30am

A belated post this week to advise that Divine Service will begin at 8.30am this coming Sunday, when we will be commemorating the Baptism of our Lord.

The readings for this day are:

Isaiah 42:1-9 The Lord's servant is a light to the nations
Acts 10:34-43 Jesus anointed with the Spirit and power
Matthew 3:13-17 The baptism of Jesus

God's peace be with you,
Pastor Matt

1 January 2008

For Sunday the 6th of January - 11.00am

This Sunday (6th Jan. 2008) we will be celebrating the Epiphany of our Lord. The word 'epiphany' means 'manifestation' or 'showing plainly'. The festival of Epiphany is an extension of Christmas. Now Christ, who came to earth, is shown as Saviour to the whole world - to us and to all people, as originally to the wise men from the East.

Divine Service will begin at 11.00am.

Here are the readings for your preparation:
Isaiah 60:1-6 The nations will come to the light
Ephesians 3:1-12 God reveals his age-long purpose in Christ
Matthew 2:1-12 Wise men worship Christ the king

As it's the first Sunday of the month, we'll be having a congregational lunch after the service. Bring something along to share and join us at Daryl and Mandy's - all welcome!

God's peace,
Pastor Matt