27 June 2013

Sunday 30th June - 8.30am

This Sunday service begins at 8.30am with the gospel continuing in Luke, chapter 9. As Jesus is approached by two men who express a desire to follow Him, He makes it clear that discipleship is not just a matter of words or "properly ordered priorities". This is first commandment stuff - we are the fear, love and trust in God above all things!

Impossible, you say? Well that's kinda the point! None of us fear, love and trust God as we ought. Despite our best intentions, our discipleship is always less than perfect and our following is far from what it should be - especially when the rubber hits the road.

Rather than despairing of this, our Heavenly Father would have us flee to the One who fulfilled all things on our behalf, receive forgiveness and life through His obedience, and follow in the way of repentance.

Here are the readings as you prepare for worship:

1 Kings 19:15,16,19-21 The call of Elisha
Galatians 5:1,13-25 Freedom in Christ to live by the Spirit
Luke 9:51-62 The cost of following Jesus

The peace of the Lord Jesus be with you,
Pastor Matt

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