4 July 2013

Sunday 7th July - 11am with lunch to follow

So this week our gospel reading moves into the early verses of Luke chapter 10 and it's impressive stuff! Jesus sends out the seventy-two disciples to preach that the Kingdom of God has come near to all who hear these words because whoever receives the disciples Jesus sends, receives Jesus himself.

The 72 are told they are not to rely on anything except the word of God. Some places will receive the word with joy, but others will reject it and drive them out of town. And if they don't want the Kingdom God is offering them, the disciples are to shake the dust of that town off their feet.

Grace is on offer - rich and free - but many will choose condemnation instead.

When the disciples return to Jesus, they're excited. This stuff works!! They can't wait to tell Jesus that even demons submit to their ministry in His name! Impressive deeds were done. Powerful things took place. And now the disciples are fired up!

But rather than allow them to get carried away in their enthusiasm, Jesus offers a quiet word of perspective. It's all well and good to have protection from the enemy, even to be immune to poisonous snakes and scorpions, but NONE of this compares to the wonderful joy that their names are written in heaven!

So often Christians get carried away with the spectacular. Preachers who appear to have the power to perform miracles. Congregations who amass to themselves great numbers of worshippers, impressive worship bands, fancy programs and services that would make Andrew Lloyd Webber envious!

But to be carried away with such things is to miss the point. The kingdom of God has come near to us in the same preached word the 72 were given. Whether the preacher is a great orator or one who nervously ascends the pulpit each week, the focus of the Christian is to be on the word that is proclaimed. The Word that declares you are forgiven through faith in Christ alone. The Word that declares you righteous for the sake of Jesus. The Word that writes your name in heaven itself.

If you want to get impressed by anything, be impressed that God works through a humble word proclaimed by an unimpressive preacher. Be impressed that in the midst of our ordinary life together as God's people, this same Word is securing your place in heaven. Be impressed that God's Kingdom is still coming near to you as Christ is proclaimed and forgiveness, life and salvation become yours - not because the church has a rockin' band or fancy light show or powerful pastor - but because Jesus is present in the Word.

Make sure you have a look at these readings as you prepare for worship at 11am this Sunday (7th July):

Isaiah 66:10-14 Rejoice with Jerusalem
Galatians 6:1-16 Do good to all
Luke 10:1-20 Jesus sends out the seventy

God's blessing to you all,

Pastor Matt

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