12 June 2013

Sunday 16th June - 11am

Service starts at 11am this coming Sunday (16 June).

Well this week we continue in chapter 7 of Luke's gospel, reading from verse 36.

Jesus is invited into the home of Simon the Pharisee for dinner. As Jesus kicks back at the table, a known SINNER, an unclean woman, lays at Jesus' feet, washing them with her tears, wiping them with her hair, and annointing His feet with incredibly expensive myrhh.

How could Jesus allow such a SINNER come near Him, let alone touch Him like this? That's the question on Simon's mind. And maybe it's the question on your's too. We can handle Jesus forgiving 'respectable' sinners - those who's sins don't make our skin crawl - but not the really, really bad and terrible sinners! How can Jesus forgive them, be near them and love them?????

As Jesus tells the parable of the two debtors (or as I like to call it, the parable of the amazingly, fantasmagorical, gracious, generous, forgiving and merciful Creditor ie. God!) He makes it clear that we are all indebted to God because of our sin and in need of His mercy. But more than that He makes it clear that having recognised our sin and received forgiveness as a gift, love of God will flow in our lives as a sign of the faith He has given us.

"Your sins are forgiven" Jesus says to the woman. "Go, YOUR FAITH has saved you!"

Awesome stuff - faith trusting in the promise and mercy of God; forgiveness making new and inspiring love; and it all flows out of God's work in Christ alone. Doesn't depend on you. Doesn't depend on your holiness and righteousness. DOESN'T EVEN DEPEND ON HOW MUCH YOU LOVE THE LORD. It depends on JESUS!

Here are the readings for your preparation - it's not too hard to figure out how they all hang together!

2 Samuel 11:26 - 12:10,13-15 Nathan's message: You are the man!
Galatians 2:15-21 Jews and Gentiles are saved by faith
Luke 7:36 - 8:3 A sinful woman forgiven; women followers

You might like to watch this video as you think about the gospel reading as well....

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