28 September 2013

Sunday September 29th - 8.30am

The festival of St Michael and All Angels falls on this Sunday and so gives us an opportunity to reflect on who the angels are, what God's intentions are for them, and how blessed we are by a God who not only defeats the devil through the blood of His one and only Son, but who continues to look out for us through His angels as the devil and his minions try to take us out in their death throes.

There is so much confusion about who and what angels are that this is a great opportunity to reflect on the biblical picture. There'll be no bare bottomed cherubs, or stately older ladies with deep voices, or fairy like creatures featuring in our service on Sunday! And by the way, humans DO NOT become angels when they die, and angels do not become human - they were created by God as His heavenly messengers and the protectors of His people.

Come along and hear more (and for those who've got the time, please read this excellent brochure on what the bible says about angels...... All about....Angels

Here are the readings:
Daniel 10:10-14; 12:1-3 Michael and the guardian angels
Revelation 12:7-12 Michael and his angels fight the dragon
Luke 10:17-20 Jesus foresees the fall of Satan

See you in worship!
Pastor Matt

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