This Wednesday (7/3) our Lenten devotional services will continue, with the service beginning at 7.30pm. This week we will be meditating on Matthew 27:27-44 where Jesus is mocked and crucified, with the crowd taunting Him to use His divine power to save Himself. Instead our Lord chose to suffer the ultimate humiliation and suffering so that we might live. His display of strength and power on the cross was far beyond anything the world could ever envisage!

On Sunday we will meet for Divine Service at 8.30am and hear St John's account of the raising of Lazarus. This reading reminds us of the sure and certain hope of our own bodily resurrection, but it also points to the compassion, love and grace of our Lord as He mourns with those who mourn. The 'mini' victory over death Jesus accomplishes in this reading whets our appetites for the even greater resurrection victory we will celebrate at Easter once more.
God's peace be with you,
Pastor Matt
Pastor Matt
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