For Sunday the 11th November - 8.30am
This coming Sunday (11th November) the Shepparton congregation will be privileged to witness God at work in the baptism of Liliana, daughter of James and Mary Jowy. Accordingly our parish will take the opportunity to think about what it means that God gives us new birth by water and the Spirit in Holy Baptism. With Nicodemus we will be asking, ‘How is it possible to be born again?’ As we contemplate these high and lofty things, we’ll be reminded of the Lord’s continued work of regeneration in our lives as we daily return to our baptism in repentance and faith to receive His gifts of forgiveness, life and salvation.
I’ll be preaching on John 3:1-8.
The other readings for the day are:
Job 19:23-27a I know that my Redeemer lives
2 Thessalonians 2:1-5,13-17 Stand firm, waiting for the coming of our Lord
Luke 20:27-38 The question about rising from death
I look forward to being together in the Lord’s presence after we kick up our heels at the congregation’s dinner dance on Saturday evening!
God’s peace,
Pastor Matt
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