It's all too easy to read this week's Gospel lesson (Luke 17:11-19) as little more than an illustration of Jesus' divine power of healing. As we hear the story of the 10 lepers, we may not immediately see ourselves involved in this encounter. And yet in this account we are faced with two of the most important activities of our life - our prayers for mercy from the Lord, and our response of thanksgiving for His gracious love.
Why is it that these two things come so hard for us? To beg for mercy means we recognise a terrible need; and to give thanks reveals our utter dependance on another. Such brutal honesty and vulnerability is always counter cultural, but is also a true blessing for us as we live in the merciful presence of the Lord.
As we pray 'Lord have mercy' this week, let us also be quick to thank the Lord as He cleanses us from sin and brings us in to the presence of our Heavenly Father.
Divine Service will begin at 8.30am. See you there!
God's peace,
Pastor Matt
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