This coming Sunday we will be observing All Saints Day at Trinity. This day gives us an opportunity to give thanks to God for the lives of those saints who have died in the past year, and to reflect on the wonderful mystery that all the people of God, living and dead, are joined together by the Holy Spirit to form the mystical body of Christ - the Church.
What a great joy and comfort to know that even in death, we remain united with the saints of all times and places, joined together into the body of Christ.
Divine Service will begin at 11.00am.
Here are the readings:
Daniel 7:1-3,15-18 Daniel's vision of the holy ones of the Most High
Ephesians 1:11-23 God's blessings through Christ for his people
Luke 6:20-31 Blessed are the poor and the persecuted
And don't forget that we're having a congregational BYO BBQ at the Lange's following the service. Email me if you would like more details
The Lord be with you,
Pastor Matt
30 October 2007
26 October 2007
For Sunday the 28th October - 8.30am
This Sunday we will be commemorating the Reformation. Contrary to popular belief this is not so much a celebration of being Lutheran, as it is a celebration of the way in which God has preserved His saving Gospel even in the face of human sin and distortion. Above all this is a festival commemorating the saving work of Jesus which beings us the free gifts of forgiveness, life and salvation. To Him alone be the glory!
Divine Service will begin at 8.30am - but don't forget daylight savings starts at 3am Sunday - so wind your clocks forwards an hour before bed on Saturday night.
God's peace,
Pastor Matt
Divine Service will begin at 8.30am - but don't forget daylight savings starts at 3am Sunday - so wind your clocks forwards an hour before bed on Saturday night.
God's peace,
Pastor Matt
16 October 2007
For Sunday the 21st October - 11.00am
Persistence is often lauded as a wonderful quality on the football field, in academic endeavours, and even in the business world. Those who persist in the face of adversity and impending failure are seen as courageous and an inspiration to us all. I guess that's because it's so easy to simply give up when things seem stacked against us.
In this week's Gospel reading Jesus tells a parable to encourage us to be persistent also in prayer. In an age when we are encouraged to question our faith if it doesn't seem 'to work' immediately, Jesus calls us not to lose heart, but to keep bringing our petitions before our loving Heavenly Father in confidence. He goes on to assure us that not only does God hear the prayers of His people, but He will answer them for our good and blessing. A timely promise for us as we continue to pray that God would deliver us from drought and hardship.
The readings this week are:
Genesis 32:22-31 Jacob wrestles with God
2 Timothy 3:14 - 4:5 Responsibilities of the pastor
Luke 18:1-8 Parable of the widow and the judge
Divine Service will begin at 11.00am.
God's peace be with you,
Pastor Matt

The readings this week are:
Genesis 32:22-31 Jacob wrestles with God
2 Timothy 3:14 - 4:5 Responsibilities of the pastor
Luke 18:1-8 Parable of the widow and the judge
Divine Service will begin at 11.00am.
God's peace be with you,
Pastor Matt
10 October 2007
For Sunday the 14th October - 8.30am

It's all too easy to read this week's Gospel lesson (Luke 17:11-19) as little more than an illustration of Jesus' divine power of healing. As we hear the story of the 10 lepers, we may not immediately see ourselves involved in this encounter. And yet in this account we are faced with two of the most important activities of our life - our prayers for mercy from the Lord, and our response of thanksgiving for His gracious love.
Why is it that these two things come so hard for us? To beg for mercy means we recognise a terrible need; and to give thanks reveals our utter dependance on another. Such brutal honesty and vulnerability is always counter cultural, but is also a true blessing for us as we live in the merciful presence of the Lord.
As we pray 'Lord have mercy' this week, let us also be quick to thank the Lord as He cleanses us from sin and brings us in to the presence of our Heavenly Father.
Divine Service will begin at 8.30am. See you there!
God's peace,
Pastor Matt
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