Talk about coming at things out of left field! Next Sunday's gospel reading (Luke 16:1-13) records Jesus' parable of the shrewd manager and you certainly can't accuse Him of using sterotypes to make a point.

Jesus takes the example of this man who is sacked by his employer with little prospect of another job and no hope of support. Before he finishes up the manager uses his position and authority to ensure he will have 'supporters' while unemployed. How? By ripping off his boss by writing down debts to secure the friendship of those who owed the money! What's most suprising is the fact that Jesus praises this man's shrewdness!
But fear not, Jesus is not promoting dodgy business practices. He highlights the astuteness of the dishonest manager as the quality to be emulated by Christians when addressing their spiritual future. The children of light (disciples of Christ) are often not as industrious at pursuing eternal life as the children of this world are in getting ahead!So in the sermon we'll be thinking about how we can be prepared for the time when our 'employment' in this world comes to an end.
Divine Service will begin at 8.30am.
The Lord be with you all throughout this week,
Pastor Matt
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