22 September 2010
For Sunday 26th September - 8.30am
Rather than using this text to go down the path of moralism, we will consider what it was that plugged the rich man's ears to the Word of God which offered to save him from the torments of hell. And we'll also be thinking about those things that plug our ears to the Word and close us off from God's grace. Without His life giving Gospel active in our lives, showing true mercy is never high on our list of priorities.
See you Sunday.
God's peace,
Pastor Matt
16 September 2010
For Sunday 19th September - 11am

I'm planning to preach on the gospel reading from Luke 16:1-13, the parable of the shrewd manager and offer the reflections here from our LCA worship resources:
Jesus is talking to the affluent here, people who are so wrapped up in their pursuit of money and consumer material goods that they don't bother giving time to pursue their eternal welfare before it is too late. This illustrative story does not praise dubious practice in business. Jesus uses the astuteness of the dishonest manager as the quality to be emulated by Christians when addressing their spiritual needs. The children of light (disciples of Christ) are not as industrious by and large at pursuing eternal life as the children of this world are in getting ahead! The second comparison is in faithfulness of stewardship. Christ makes the point that Christian service needs to be directed single-mindedly to the Lord, not mixed also with material greed.
God bless,Pastor Matt
2 September 2010
For Sunday 5th September - 11am

This Sunday service begins at 11am in Echuca. Given that Sunday is Fathers' Day, the gospel reading from Luke 14 is likely to challenge us as Jesus declares that whoever follows Him must hate their father, etc.
Rather than closing our ears to this difficult reading, there is much blessing as we consider how Jesus calls us to keep our priorities in check as we walk as His disciples. It's essentially a first commandment text reminder us to fear, love and trust God above all things!
Please note that because it is Fathers' Day we will not be holding our regular monthly luncheon this week.
See you Sunday.
God's peace,
Pastor Matt