This Sunday Divine Service will begin at 8.30am. In the gospel reading we will hear Jesus predict His own suffering, death and resurrection - something that shocks His disciples. But even then more shockingly Jesus calls everyone who follows Him to willingly take up their cross.
As we reflect on this text on Sunday we will be thinking about what it means to take up our cross and follow the Lord. Despite popular opinion this is far more than just enduring suffering. It's about choosing the way of the Lord despite the fact that it may be the unpopular option. Being a disciple is not about being cool, it's about being faithful and receiving the gifts the Lord has won for us.
Please keep in mind our 'fortnightly' midweek Lenten services at Echuca this year. Here's the schedule:
Wednesday 4th March 7.00pm
Midweek Lenten devotion:
THEME: The Wound of Betrayal
Wednesday 18th March 7.00pm
Midweek Lenten devotion:
THEME: The Wound of Apathy
Wednesday 1st April 7.00pm
Midweek Lenten devotion:
THEME: The Wound of Denial
God's peace,
Pastor Matt