22 December 2009
For the week of Christmas
Christmas Day:
Service with Holy Communion beginning at 8.30am
Sunday 27th December:
Service with Holy Communion beginning at 8.30am
I pray your preparations for the celebration of the incarnation of our God are peace filled and joyful.
God bless,
Pastor Matt
10 December 2009
For Sunday 13th December - 8.30am
Please remember that the children will also be rehearsing for the Children's Christmas presentation which will take place at 7pm on Sunday 20th December.
God's peace,
Pastor Matt
2 December 2009
For Sunday 6th December - 11am
Malachi 3:1–4
Philippians 1:3–11
Luke 3:1–6
The Preaching of Repentance Prepares Us for the Coming of the Lord
The preaching and baptism “of repentance for the forgiveness of sins” (Luke 3:3) prepare us for the coming of the Lord Jesus Christ. The historic work of John the Baptizer was completed with the first Advent of our Lord Jesus in the flesh, but the ministry of the Forerunner continues in the preaching of Law and Gospel and in Holy Baptism. Through His messengers, the Lord calls people of all nations to “see the salvation of God” (Luke 3:6). Our haughtiness is removed, and our mountains of pride are brought low, but the Lord humbles us in order to exalt us in His mercy; He fills up our valleys with His peace. As the Lord has begun this good work of repentance in us, so also does he perfect it by His Word and Holy Spirit, and He “will bring it to completion at the day of Jesus Christ” (Phil. 1:6). He purifies us to be His priestly people, precious in His sight, abounding in faith and love, so that our very lives are offered in righteousness to the Lord (Mal. 3:3–4).
Divine Service this week (6/12) will begin at 11am.
God's peace,
Pastor Matt
24 November 2009
For Sunday 29th November
Over Advent I will be posting reflections made available through the LC-MS Commission on Worship. Please use them in your preparation for worship each week:
Jeremiah 33:14–16
1 Thessalonians 3:9–13
Luke 21:25–36
The Lord Jesus Comes in Humility to Redeem Us
The Season of Advent focuses on the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ, and this first Sunday establishes this theme for the rest of the season. The Son of God came long ago to be our Savior, “a righteous Branch,” descended from David (Jer. 33:15). As He then came into Jerusalem, riding on a lowly donkey to sacrifice Himself for the sins of the world (Luke 19:28-40), so does He come to His Church today in the humility of Word and Sacrament to deliver the fruits of His Passion: the forgiveness of sins. He absolves us and establishes our hearts, “blameless in holiness before our God and Father” (1 Thess. 3:13). The same Lord Jesus, who came to Jerusalem then, and who comes to us now in peace, will come again with power and great glory on the Last Day. Then there will be “distress of nations in perplexity,” with “people fainting in fear.” Yet, as we anticipate that great and terrible day, He bids us to rest securely in Him: “Raise up your heads, because your redemption is drawing near” (Luke 21:25, 26, 28).
God's peace,
Pastor Matt
4 November 2009
9 October 2009
For Sunday 11th October - 8.30am
Service will begin at 8.30am.
Please remember that next Sunday (18th) is our Service of Thanksgiving as we celebrate God's provision of a debt free church building at our fourth anniversary of dedication.
God's peace,
Pastor Matt
17 September 2009
For Sunday 20th September - 11am
We will hear the familiar words of Jesus where he said, "If anyone wants to be first, he must be the very last, and the servant of all." Together with the second reading from the epistle of St James, we will be reminded of the danger of following our inner desires to be and to have more and more, without concern for our motives.
Jesus calls us not to seek prestige and power and position, but to delight in the opportunity to serve as we have been served by Him through the free gift of forgiveness and life received in His name.
See you Sunday.
God's peace,
Pastor Matt
4 September 2009
For Sunday 6th September - 11am
We will hear the wonderful example of the Syro-Phoenician woman who had faith in even the smallest 'scraps' of the Lord's mercy. Because she accepted she was truly undeserving, she was grateful for whatever the Lord could 'throw her way' and the result of her faith was the healing of her daughter.
We too need healing and we too deserve nothing but the judgment of God. Will we have faith in the 'scraps' of mercy that come our way as Jesus serves us through Word and Sacrament?
Sunday School will meet at around 11.45am.
Please note that as it is Fathers' Day, we will not be holding our congregational lunch this month.
God's peace,
Pastor Matt
25 August 2009
For Sunday 30th August - 8.30am
The readings for your preparation are:
Song of Solomon 2:8-13 Springtime love song
James 1:17-27 Listening and doing
Mark 7:1-8,14,15,21-23 What makes people unclean
The following flags reveal just how diverse our origins are in this parish, and just how blessed we are to be together in this place.
21 August 2009
For Sunday 23rd August - 8.30am
I'm preaching on the epistle reading from Ephesians 6:10-20 as we consider the implications of our call to spiritual warfare. One word comes up again and again as St Paul points to the tactics we are to utilise in this war - stand!
God's peace,
Pastor Matt
12 August 2009
For Sunday 16th August - 11am
Who'd have thought that true wisdom would come in ordering our whole lives according to the word of God and the praises of His goodness in our Lord Jesus?
As the psalmist (and the writer of Proverbs) says, the fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom. True wisdom comes through a knowledge of our standing before God as sinners, utterly dependent on His grace and mercy in Christ.
This week I'll be preaching on Ephesians 5:15-20 where St Paul calls us to "Be very careful, then, how you live—not as unwise but as wise, making the most of every opportunity, because the days are evil."
Service will begin at 11am.
God's peace,
Pastor Matt
7 August 2009
For Sunday 9th August - 8.30am
The readings are:
2 Samuel 18:5-9,15,31-33 The death of David's son Absalom
Ephesians 4:25 - 5:2 Be imitators of God
John 6:35,41-51 Jesus the bread of life
God's peace,
Pastor Matt
30 July 2009
For Sunday 2nd August - 11.00am
Jonathan Krause from Australian Lutheran World Service will be our guest this week and will speak after the service about the work our church does through this agency. There will be an opportunity to support ALWS through a retiring offering.
We'll have a chance to speak more with Jonathan over lunch together.
God's peace,
Pastor Matt
15 July 2009
For Sunday 19th July - 11am
The Gospel reading will lead us to reflect on our desire to get away from all the stresses and demands of everyday life - especially those demands that come from those 'need' us. Jesus and His disciples experienced this desire as well - the need to take time out. Like us however, no sooner did Jesus decide to take time out than He was confronted once again by the needs of the people. As He looked at them, we're told He had compassion on them because they were like sheep without a shepherd and so He began to teach them.
On Sunday we'll be thinking about what it means that Jesus' compassionate response to the needs of these people was to teach them and what this means for us as we seek His compassion as well.
God's peace,
Pastor Matt
2 July 2009
For Sunday 5th July - 11.00am
In the sermon we'll be thinking about the Lord's promise that "My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness" (2 Cor 12:9) and how this brings us great encouragement in the face of our personal limitations.
Service will be followed by our monthly lunch together.
God's peace,
Pastor Matt
10 June 2009
For Sunday 14th June - 8.30am
This Sunday Divine Service will begin at 8.30am. I encourage you to brave the cold and come and receive the reconciliation God offers through His Son Jesus.
God's peace,
Pastor Matt
6 June 2009
For Sunday 7th June - 11am
Divine Service will begin at 11.00am this week and will be followed by a congregational lunch.
My apologies for the late notice.
God’s peace,
Pastor Matt
20 May 2009
For Sunday 24th May - 8.30am
Divine service will begin at 8.30am.
The Lord be with you,
Pastor Matt
14 May 2009
Sunday 17th April - 11.00am
How and why this is so will occupy our thoughts on Sunday. Service will begin at 11.00am.
God's peace to you,
Pastor Matt
22 April 2009
Sunday 26th April & 3rd May
April 26th - Divine Service begins 8.30am
May 3rd - Divine Service begins 11.00am
God's peace,
Pastor Matt
8 April 2009

Please join us this week as we are served by God's word and Holy Sacrament, witnessing again the love of the Father in life, death and resurrection of His Son, our Lord Jesus.
Maundy Thursday - Service with Communion, beginning 8pm
Good Friday - Service of the Word, beginning 11.00am
Easter Sunday - Divine Service celebrating the Resurrection of our Lord, beginning 8.30am
God's peace,
Pastor Matt
3 April 2009
For Sunday 5th April - 11.00am
Now to the purpose of this post!
Service this Sunday will begin at 11.00am and will be followed by a shared lunch.
Please remember to turn your clocks back an hour for the end of Daylight Savings on Saturday night.
God's peace,
Pastor Matt
20 March 2009
For Sunday 22nd March - 8.30am
How much more won't we receive eternal healing when we look not to the serpent, but to the Son of Man lifted up on the cross for our salvation?
Just as Moses lifted up the snake in the desert, so the Son of Man must be lifted up, that everyone who believes in him may have eternal life. John 3:14-15
God's peace,
Pastor Matt
11 March 2009
For Sunday 15th March - 11.00am
The sermon will explore the 10 commandments under the theme of "Rescue from the minefield of sin."
God bless,
Pastor Matt
For Sunday 15th March - 11.00am
The sermon will explore the 10 commandments under the theme of "Rescue from the minefield of sin."
God bless,
Pastor Matt
5 March 2009
The Passion of our Lord
For Sunday 8th March - 8.30am
As we reflect on this text on Sunday we will be thinking about what it means to take up our cross and follow the Lord. Despite popular opinion this is far more than just enduring suffering. It's about choosing the way of the Lord despite the fact that it may be the unpopular option. Being a disciple is not about being cool, it's about being faithful and receiving the gifts the Lord has won for us.
Please keep in mind our 'fortnightly' midweek Lenten services at Echuca this year. Here's the schedule:
Wednesday 4th March 7.00pm
Midweek Lenten devotion:
THEME: The Wound of Betrayal
Wednesday 18th March 7.00pm
Midweek Lenten devotion:
THEME: The Wound of Apathy
Wednesday 1st April 7.00pm
Midweek Lenten devotion:
THEME: The Wound of Denial
God's peace,
Pastor Matt
19 February 2009
For Sunday 22nd February - 10am
It so happens that this is the Sunday of the Transfiguration of our Lord and so together we will be thinking about the journey we are on as disciples of Christ. In both the Old Testament and Gospel readings God's people are faced with change and separation, and like us all they try to hold on to avoid it. But God Himself provides strength and guidance to keep going.
I look forward to seeing you all.
God's peace,
Pastor Matt
12 February 2009
For Sunday 15th February - 10.00am
As we continue to offer the victims of this disaster the support of prayer, we also have the opportunity to support them with their physical needs. I'm certain many of you have already responded in various ways.
Our District President has advised that our district has set up a facility whereby financial donations will be made available to those parishes in the affected communities so they can reach out in mercy to their neighbours on behalf of the whole church. If you wish to give through this facility please go to www.lca.org.au and follow the links.
It has also been suggested locally that we as a parish might offer some tangible support in the form of non-perishable food, toiletries and the like to our near neighbours. On Sunday we will have the opportunity to bring these gifts along and they will collected (through to Tuesday at Shepp) and then delivered to the Salvos for distribution.
Our service will begin at 10am and be followed by our congregational AGM.
The Lord be with you,
Pastor Matt
6 February 2009
For Sunday 8th February - 8.30am
This Sunday (8/2) service will begin in Echuca at 8.30am. Please remember the Southern 80 is on so if you're coming from across the river you may well need to give yourself an extra 10 minutes or so to get to church.
The readings are:
Isaiah 40:21-31
1 Corinthians 9:16-23
Mark 1:29-39
The Lord be with you!
Pastor Matt
29 January 2009
For Sunday 1st February - 11am
Due to the very high temperature that is expected on Sunday, we've decided to cancel our planned congregational lunch. If you'd like to join a few of us we're planning to head over to the Moama Bowling Club for lunch together instead.
Here are the readings for your preparation:
MARK 1:21-28
I'll be preaching on the reading from 1 Corinthians.
God's peace,
Pastor Matt
15 January 2009
For Sunday 18th January - 11.00am
We will be hearing readings dealing with the calling of the Old Testament prophet Samuel as well as a reading about the calling of Jesus' disciple Philip. These readings serve to illustrate a Godly response to God's call on our lives. Together with Samuel we are to recognise that God seeks to speak His word to us, and like Philip, we are to see that God desires that we bring others to "come and see Jesus."
In the midst of our anxieties about being called by God, these readings provide encouragement and confidence. A young boy and a "country" lad called into service by the Lord merely point others to the One who changes hearts and creates faith. I guess you could say it's about knowing who your Friend is, and introducing Him to others.
See you Sunday.
God's peace,
Pastor Matt
7 January 2009
For Sunday 11th January - 8.30am

The season of Epiphany continues this week as our focus turns to Jesus being revealed through his baptism in the waters of the Jordan. It's an unusual way for God to reveal Himself - but a blessed one for us sinners. Jesus reveals Himself as God and man and willingly takes on the guilt of our sin as identifies with us in this baptism of repentance for the forgiveness of [our] sins.
If He's guilty in our place, that means we can be declared righteous in His place! What a sweet swap!
Divine service begins at 8.30am.
God's peace,
Pastor Matt