That's the cry we will hear from the book of Ecclesiastes this coming Sunday - a cry that still rings true in the lives of many people today. When we try to find life's meaning in the here and now we always end up in despair over the futility of it all. Sure we can make a name for ourselves - but even a great reputation and unbounded success cannot hold off the inevitability of death. The rich fool in our Gospel reading for this week spells that out very clearly for us. If what the world has to offer is the be-all and end-all of our existence, then it's all meaningless.
But when our life and work is grounded in Christ and His forgiving mercy, true meaning and purpose is restored. Our work ceases being an attempt to simply serve ourselves, and becomes an opportunity for us to live out our baptismal identity in the world. Unbounded by time and space, our lives in Christ take on a new and profound meaning for all eternity.
Check out how nicely the readings for this week compliment each other:
Ecclesiastes 1:2,12-14; 2:18-23 Only in God does life have meaning
Colossians 3:1-11 The old life and the new
Luke 12:13-21 The parable of the rich fool
The psalm is Psalm 49:1-12, although I'm going to include through to verse 15!
God's peace be with you,
Pastor Matt
Pastor Matt